【問題】japanese jiu-jitsu competition?推薦回答

作者:Hancock, H. Irving

作者:Donzé, Pierre-Yves

Pierre-Yves Donzé is a professor of business history at Osaka University, Japan and a visiting professor at Fribourg University, Switzerland.

作者:Donze, Pierre-yves

This book goes back to the origins of the transformation of health and medicine into a business, during the first part of the twentieth century, focusing on the example of Japan. In the past hundre...

作者:Yamawaki, Hideki

This study is an addition to the economics, finance, and business literatures about market competition as it takes place in international manufacturing industries. Much is known about how large fir...

作者:Aoki, Masahiko (EDT)/ Dore, Ronald (EDT)

Japanese firms have come under close examination by their international counterparts, who seek insight into the sources of Japanese accomplishments. The Japanese Firm reveals the complex network of...


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